I STYLE Music MANAGEMENT Is a cutting-edge talent management. We develop, groom and brand our Artists to become working talent with longevity. Representation that guides and supports you while earning income from something you love. Creatively planning and setting goals is the definitive guide for like-minded Artists. With our expertise and industry experience, the relationship with you comes first and success will follow.
ARTIST DEVELOPMENT: As timelines are prepared for goals, I create strategies that are realistic and deliverable for the artist. My artist, are the central part of my business. With focus and passion, it is my responsibility to point to point take the artist through the process of grooming and developing, according to their uniqueness. The music business is highly competitive and constantly changing. The framework that you receive gives each artist insight from becoming an artist to defining a brand. Creating a marketable image is the road map to a successful career.
PERFORMANCE COACHING: Yes, you can sing dance and act or maybe play an instrument.! Performing can sometimes become divided between the performer and the audience, a blurr. It is the way an artist expresses with action how he or she can convey the story, or reach the heart of the audience. I believe “the performance” identifies one artist from another. Skill, passion, communication, and the ability to draw another in, is developed in my performance session
Public Workshops Available by appointment